
Posts Tagged ‘nuclear’

The Affect of nuclear radiation

March 16, 2011 Leave a comment


Disasters in Japan sparked fears of a nuclear reactor meltdowns as happened at Chernobyl in 1986. The Impact of radiation is vary, some can be felt immediately and some are emerging in the long term.

The worst nuclear reactor meltdowns in history occurred in Chernobyl, Ukraine in April 1986. Besides causes the evacuation of thousands of residents near the scene, the effects are still felt by the victims until many years later. They are such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders and even death.

Naturally, the human body has mechanisms to protect themselves from cell damage from radiation and other harmful chemicals things. However, as quoted by FoxNews, radiation at a certain level can not be tolerated by the body with that mechanisms.

The FoxNews health editor, Dr Manny Alvarez said there are 3 factors that affect the impact of nuclear radiation. All those include the total nuclear radiation, how close the radiation source and the last is how long the victim affected by radiation.

These three factors will determine what the impact that will be felt by victims. High radiation can directly causes a direct impact that can be known quickly, while unfelt radiation can cause the long-term effects that are usually even more dangerous.

Momentary or short-term impact due to high radiation of nuclear reactors are as follows:

  • Nausea vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Fever

Meanwhile, the emerging impact of exposure to the nuclear radiation after several days are as follows:

  • Dizzy, dizzy eye
  • Disorientation or confusion of determining direction
  • Weak, tired and looked listless
  • Hair loss and baldness
  • Blood Vomiting or bowel bleeding
  • Low blood pressure
  • Hard to heal wounds

The impact of chronic long-term of nuclear radiation would generally be triggered by low levels of radiation that is not realized and are not anticipated until the years.

Some of the lethal effects of nuclear radiation exposure due to long-term are as follows :

  • Cancer
  • Premature aging
  • Nervous and reproductive system disorders and
  • Nervous and reproductive system disorders and
  • Genetic Mutation